15/ Unexplained Infertility

Dr. Kaajal Abrol discusses unexplained infertility, a common and frustrating diagnosis.  She reviews what this diagnosis means, and what may potentially be going on in some cases.  Dr. Abrol talks about treatment options for unexplained infertility, including medications, IUI, and IVF.  This episode aims to help you better understand the diagnosis of unexplained infertility, and how various fertility treatment options can help improve pregnancy rates.

14/ Pregnancy Loss

Dr. Kaajal Abrol discusses pregnancy loss, or miscarriage.  She reviews common terms used to describe non-viable pregnancies.  She also talks about the causes, risk factors, and treatment options for pregnancy loss.  Dr. Abrol touches on the subjects of ectopic pregnancy and recurrent pregnancy loss.   Dr. Abrol also answers a few of the common questions she hears about pregnancy loss.  Miscarriage can be so difficult to go through, so this episode aims to help you better understand some of the medical aspects of miscarriage.

13/ Endometriosis

Dr. Kaajal Abrol discusses endometriosis, a chronic progressive condition associated with pain and fertility challenges.  She reviews the main symptoms of endometriosis, as well as the various ways it may be diagnosed.  Importantly, Dr. Abrol discusses how endometriosis may impact your fertility.  Dr. Abrol talks about the treatment options for endometriosis, both for those who are trying to conceive and for those who are not currently trying to get pregnant.  Dr. Abrol also answers a few of the common questions she hears about endometriosis.  This episode aims to help you better understand endometriosis, so you know how this complex condition may affect your fertility, and how it can be managed and treated.

12/ PCOS

Dr. Kaajal Abrol discusses polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS.  She reviews the common symptoms of PCOS, as well as the criteria used to diagnose it.  Dr. Abrol talks about the various treatment options for PCOS, both for those who are trying to conceive and those who are not actively trying to conceive.  Dr. Abrol answers some common questions she hears about PCOS, specifically around curing PCOS, chances of pregnancy with PCOS, and additional medications that may be considered with PCOS.  It is important to understand this diagnosis, as it may impact your general health, as well as your fertility.  This episode aims to help you better understand PCOS, so you may can start to modify your risks of future health issues, and optimize your chances of pregnancy once you are ready to conceive. 

11/ Lifestyle & Fertility

Dr. Kaajal Abrol discusses lifestyle factors and fertility, including alcohol, smoking, vaping, exercise, and diet.  She also reviews some of the vitamins and supplements you may consider for egg and sperm health.  Dr. Abrol answers some common questions she hears about lifestyle factors and fertility, specifically around caffeine intake and folic acid supplementation.  Lifestyle factors are important to consider, to optimize and protect your fertility. There is so much information being shared on social media, on the internet, and by family and friends, on what you should eat, drink or physically do while trying to conceive.  This episode aims to help you better understand the various environmental factors that may impact your fertility, and the dietary choices and supplements you can consider to support your fertility.

10/ Egg Freezing

Dr. Kaajal Abrol explores egg freezing, also called oocyte cryopreservation – a fertility preservation option that offers individuals more control over their reproductive timelines and goals.   How does the egg freezing process work?  What are the medication protocols that may be used?   In what situations might people consider egg freezing?   Dr. Abrol covers all of these questions and a whole lot more, to help you better understand the process of egg freezing.   Dr. Abrol answers some common questions she hears about egg freezing, specifically around time committment for the treatment, risks to your health, expectations for ovarian stimulation, and when and how to use frozen eggs in the future.  If you are not actively trying to conceive or ready to start a family now, and may want to preserve your fertility for the future, then this episode is for you.  There is lots of valuable information discussed, to empower you to make the right decisions for yourself, now and in the future.

9/ Embryology & IVF

Dr. Kaajal Abrol provides an overview of embryology during the IVF process.  She goes through the developmental stages of embryos, so you understand what is considered normal.  She also reviews how embryos are assessed and graded during IVF.   This episode aims to help you better understand normal embryo development and embryo evaluation during IVF, so you can understand how embryos are selected for transfer and embryo freezing. 

8/ IVF

Dr. Kaajal Abrol dives into IVF or in vitro fertilization, a remarkable fertility treatment option that can be used to overcome many fertility challenges, and significantly improve pregnancy rates.  How does IVF work? What are the various medication protocols used in IVF?  What are the common reasons for using IVF?  Are there any risks to this treatment?  Dr. Abrol covers all of this and so much more, to help you better understand the process of IVF.   Dr. Abrol answers some common questions she hears about IVF, specifically around expectations for ovarian stimulation, the concept of IVF atrition, as well as miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy risks with IVF.  This episode aims to help you better understand IVF, in order to feel more comfortable with the process and the various recommendations and treatment plans that might be made you.

7/ Fertility Treatments

Dr. Kaajal Abrol reviews the main fertility treatment options, and the indications for each of these. What is ovulation induction, and who needs this?  What is IUI vs IVF, and when do you consider one before the other?   She also discusses some additional treatments and treatment add-ons that may be considered in specific situtations, including donor egg IVF, donor sperm, and using a gestational carrier.  Dr. Abrol answers some common questions she hears about fertility treatments, their side effects, and their outcomes.  This episode provides an overview of the main fertility treatments because understanding the treatments available will help you work with your healthcare provider to decide what options might be best for you, based on your fertility test results, your age, your medical history, and your family planning goals.  

6/ Sperm

Dr. Kaajal Abrol discusses sperm, and what is normal for sperm structure, function, and development.  She reviews how to test sperm, and how to interpret those results.  She also discusses various causes of sperm factor fertility issues.  Dr. Abrol answers some common questions she hears about sperm, specifically around lifestyle factors, tests for sperm, and the impact of age on sperm, to help you better understand sperm and their important role in fertility.

5/ The Fallopian Tubes

Dr. Kaajal Abrol discusses the fallopian tubes, and what is normal for their structure and function,  She reviews various causes of blocked or damaged fallopian tubes, and how to diagnose and treat affected fallopian tubes.  Dr. Abrol answers some common questions she hears about the fallopian tubes, to help you better understand how the health of your fallopian tubes impacts your fertility.

4/ The Uterus

Dr. Kaajal Abrol discusses the uterus, and what is normal for uterine development, shape and structure.  She reviews various uterine abnormalities, either existing from birth or acquired at some point, and their impact on fertility.  Dr. Abrol answers some common questions she hears about the uterus, its structure, and the different tests that can be done to assess the uterine cavity, to help you better understand the uterus and how it may impact your pregnancy potential.

3/ The Ovaries

Dr. Kaajal Abrol discusses the ovaries, and the impact of age on egg quantity and egg quality.  She reviews ovarian reserve - what it means, how to test for it, and why it matters.  She discusses egg quality, and the various factors that may impact this.  Dr. Abrol answers some common questions she hears about the ovaries, ovarian reserve testing, and age and fertility, to help you better understand your ovaries and their important role in your fertility.

2/ Fertility 101

Dr. Kaajal Abrol reviews some of the basics about fertility and infertility.  What is the definition of infertility?  What are the causes of infertility?  What does a fertility assessment consist of, from reviewing medical and lifestyle histories to the testing that is needed?  What are the treatment options?  This is a primer for all things fertility and infertility, to prepare you before starting to conceive, or before seeing a fertility specialist.

1/ The Menstrual Cycle

Dr. Kaajal Abrol reviews the basics of the menstrual cycle, as the foundation to understanding your fertility. She reviews the difference phases of the menstrual cycle, the key hormones involved, and what they mean for your fertility. Dr. Abrol answers some common questions she hears about the menstrual cycle, to help you understand what is normal and what is abnormal.